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Basic Tutorial

PostPosted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 10:55 pm
by Prickett
This is a basic tutorial explaining the layout of the game, and will show you how to get your first quest.

The first thing may be kind of obvious, the 6 buttons on the bottom of your screen with arrows on them. They let you move in the direction they are pointing.

The next thing is the tent icon. This will allow you to rest, and will restore your health and magic (you need at least one food item and water item to do it). If it is raining you will not get full health and magic, but it will be slightly decreased.

The sparkling icon is your magic tab. You get magic spells by reading spell books. They can be found in dungeons or bought at magic stores.

The next icon is a potion icon. You can access your potions with this tab. All you have to do is click on the potion you want, then click the potion icon on the bottom.

The next one is the most basic, the two crossing swords. These just attack, simple enough.

The block on the bottom is your mini-map. If you click on it, a larger map will come up. You'll see a block above the "X". If you click on it, a world map will pop up. The flag is your current position.

Your portrait is above the mini-map. The two colored bars below it is your health (top) and magic (bottom). If you click on your portrait a huge tab pops up. The bag icon has all of your items. The yellow arrow is used to drop items, and the green one is used to pick things up. The icon above the arrows is the action button. It uses the item (equip, read, etc.). Above that is your gold and carry weight (pack). Gold is rather self explanatory, but carry weight is the amt. of weight that you can carry. It is increased by increasing strength. The armor icon on the bottom changes between that and "Aa". The armor icon shows what you have equipped, and the "Aa" show the stats of whatever item your highlighting. The next tab is the "?" tab. It has three tabs, main, skills, and effects. The main shows general stuff about your character. I won't go into detail, but if you have questions ask me. The skills show your points on each one of your skills. Other skills cost two points to upgrade, and Main skills only cost one to upgrade. The effects show your current effects, again I won't go into detail on each, but if you have specific questions, just ask. The orb thing is the next tab on the top. It shows you your quests and gives a description of it on the bottom window. The scroll shows all of your spells, a description, and the cost of each. The floppy disc is the last one and it simply takes you to the home screen.

The first quest can be found in the very first village, Matras (base game). Talk to the street walker that is (facing the four blue barrels in the alley near the port) 3 steps to the south. Tap on her to talk to her. If you haven't committed a crime, attack her and talk to her again. Follow the conversation until it says "Quest recived". Walk to the bar (to the north with the two mugs) and walk around back to the window that isn't lit up and attack it. You should get some items, then walk back to the street walker. Talk to her and decide how much to give her. I won't tell you which one to pick, but that's the glory of the game, not knowing the outcome of it.( NOTE: this quest must be done at night, or it won't work)

And that just about covers it! If you have any specific questions about anything in this guide, just ask on this forum! I made this for my friend, Andy, and all the others that might have trouble understanding the game. Have fun and happy questing!

Re: Basic Tutorial

PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 10:40 am
by wolf3167
Prickett- this is a well-written guide that may help beginners learn the ropes! True, most of it can be found in the "help" section, but many people don't bother to look there before coming to the forums for help. Anyways, I am sure that this will help more than a couple people.

Re: Basic Tutorial

PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 7:20 pm
by Prickett
Thanks, I wanted to post this because I know most people would stray away from the game because of how complicated the interface is. P.S. your quest blog is going great! Keep up the good work!

Re: Basic Tutorial

PostPosted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 7:23 am
by Bodin
If I fail a quest, can I attempt it again later? Also, if the reward is suppose to be a skill or spell, can I just buy that later in the game? Thanks!

Re: Basic Tutorial

PostPosted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 10:44 am
by wolf3167
No, you may not retry failed quests. If you screw yourself over, you are finished. And if your reward is a skillbook or Spellbook, you are generally able to get it later.