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Before I begin... some questions

Fri Apr 10, 2020 8:20 am

I've finished LukoIV a while ago and have some questions:

1. Is Luko V still about Kozney, Tzar and so on? Snapshots and plot synopsis make LukoV feel like a separate story, not even an epilogue to I-IV.

2. If that's the case, I could play Basilisk Eye or Caerworn castle - the other two high level adventures (I'm level 50-60, but was unstoppable in LukoIV). There are standalone stories, right? How do they compare in style to Luko saga?


Re: Before I begin... some questions

Fri Apr 10, 2020 11:13 pm

The Luko V story is basically about the invisible island of Buyan and life after the war. Kozney is gone. Silvergril a ghost. The Luko series were done with my partner Dr. Vlad who is from Russia. They're based on Russian fairy tales and the island of Buyan is part of the tales. It may feel disconnected from the earlier stories but isn't really.

Basilisk's Eye and Caerworn Castle I did with Elizabeth Arnold a British writer of children's stories and are different for that reason.
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