How do i delete comments/posts?

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How do i delete comments/posts?

Postby bonesreturns » Sun Jul 26, 2015 11:52 am

Hello there,
i used to use this forum a little bit back in 2013, i believe, and now I've recently looked back at my posts and....let me just say they were less than impressive by any means...the grammar, the amount of misspelled words, my general stupidity and my odd and extremely cringe worthy obsession with caps locking everything. So naturally i tried to delete these comments and i found out i didn't even know how to, Can someone please tell me how to delete comments/posts/topics that i have unfortunately created. Thanks in Advance!
When you look back at posts from a few years ago and your general writing ability was more comparable to an ape tripping on LSD and slamming the keyboard with its fists than an actual human being...
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Re: How do i delete comments/posts?

Postby DeMenchev » Sun Jul 26, 2015 3:18 pm

Can you edit them?
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Re: How do i delete comments/posts?

Postby Elendil / Redshift » Mon Jul 27, 2015 9:23 am

You cannot delete posts.

You can edit them as suggested by DeMenchev.
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