Legacy Editor Questions

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Legacy Editor Questions

Postby Brett1961 » Sat Aug 01, 2015 11:22 pm

Is there a tutorial or guide to using the Legacy Editor? Any thing would help....how to start, how to place tiles (or items) ?
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Re: Legacy Editor Questions

Postby Sylon / Redshift » Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:07 pm

Hi Brett, the editor's official manual is here:


I hope it helps!
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Re: Legacy Editor Questions

Postby hseiken » Fri Jul 20, 2018 2:45 am

I apologize is this appears twice, I thought I posted it, but it doesn't show up,..if it is a double post, please disregard.

At any rate, until coming to this site, I didn't realize there's an editor for Legacy and don't recall one coming with my copy, but I bought it so long ago, I couldn't even tell you how much I paid for it! I recently resurrected my T3 and started trying to go through the game again and I suspect the editor is an unlockable feature after completing the game? If so, it would make sense for that to be the case...lol

At any rate, anyone that can clear up exactly what and where the editor resides and/or how to get it would be appreciative. If I need to resubmit my Device ID and Reg code, I can do that (I think I still have the email saved from original purchase, too...maybe?)

Thanks for any clarification. I enjoyed this game, but never got time to actually play through it...now I do!
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Re: Legacy Editor Questions

Postby Elendil / Redshift » Fri Jul 20, 2018 5:18 am

The editor can be downloaded from here, at any time: http://www.redshift.hu/LegacyEditor.zip ;)

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Re: Legacy Editor Questions

Postby hseiken » Fri Jul 20, 2018 11:15 pm

Elendil / Redshift wrote:The editor can be downloaded from here, at any time: http://www.redshift.hu/LegacyEditor.zip ;)

(Your post hadn't shown because all first time posters must be approved at first. Spam control.)

I realized the spam control thing on the second post and actually read the post message "Your post will appear after being approved!" :p User error; perpetrator: ME! :p

At any rate, thanks for the reply. I think only a handful of games on the Palm really show off what it's capable of and Legacy is one of them.
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