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Lord Solamar bug

Mon Apr 10, 2017 9:51 pm

quest - gold
iphone version

i am experiencing the lord solamar bug. he will not accept any full potion from me, be it store bought or fabricated.

i have ceased playing to not kill that npc.

any thoughts as to how i can acquire the exact potion he might want in order to continue?


Re: Lord Solamar bug

Tue Apr 11, 2017 6:08 am

You should have exactly one full healing potion in your inventory (either store bought or home made). He should accept it then.

This has been fixed in the HD version. (The old versions will not be updated, sorry.)

Re: Lord Solamar bug

Tue Apr 11, 2017 7:30 pm

yup, i ended up doing that. it took a little while before my message was moderated and posted live so by process of elimination i figured it out.

is there a list of any other bugs that i may come across in my old version? i would prefer to expect them than to run here and complain. thanks!

Re: Lord Solamar bug

Wed Apr 12, 2017 6:25 am

strongfinger wrote:it took a little while before my message was moderated and posted live so by process of elimination i figured it out.
is there a list of any other bugs that i may come across in my old version? i would prefer to expect them than to run here and complain. thanks!

Yes, I approved the post. ;) We are just two guys, so we can only drop by occasionally. (I try to at least twice a day.)

I don't know of any list. Although even the old versions received lots of fixes in their time. Hopefully your play will be uninterrupted in the future.
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