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Solutions to problems on Windows

Fri Jul 10, 2020 8:58 am

  • The game crashed with
    Error in source\Fen\OS\EnvironmentWindows.cpp at line 39

    This is likely caused by Windows' "Controlled Folder Access" feature. This can be overzealous, preventing legitimate programs (like The Quest) from accessing user folders, like "Saved Games". Please see here on how to turn it off or on. If you'd like to keep it on, there should be an "Allow an app through Controlled folder access" option below the toggle, where you can add The Quest.

    This error might also be caused by a third party Antivirus. Please see the next item in the list.
  • The game doesn't start (or crashes right after starting). There is a message that the running Antivirus blocked the program.

    The Quest doesn't contain any harmful parts but some Antivirus products are overzealous and can still block it. The solution is to exclude The Quest executable from scanning. (The default location of the executable is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\The Quest\TheQuest.exe".) Because different Antivirus programs handle this differently, you'd have to look for help on how to do this in your Antivirus' documentation. (Searching the net for "How to exclude a program from <your Antivirus product's name here>" should offer suggestions.)
If you have any other problem, please check the posts in this forum for solutions. If you don't find any, you can also post your question in the forum. You can also write to us at
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