News and suggestions during the development of The Quest's sequel. (Title is work in progress.)
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Mon Feb 05, 2018 7:20 pm

Make it possible to email a game save, pretty please with honey on it.......

Re: Improvements

Sun Feb 24, 2019 6:37 pm

I think you should restore the ability to make potions with multiple effects that can be homemade

Also please add Mithral (sorry my spelling isn't too good) and adamantium equipment (to my knowledge these two types of equipment WERE available in the what I believe is now referred to as "The Quest Classic"; when it was just available for PDA and PC)

Re: Improvements

Sun Feb 24, 2019 11:34 pm

Can you please give us our own place with PERMANENT storage so we would have a place to store extra stuff if we don't need it at the moment? If this is not possible can you please institute a sort of "bank" that would be able to store our stuff (kind of like a merchant but with the ability to store stuff for the character)? Maybe be able to purchase extra space?

Re: Improvements

Mon Feb 25, 2019 9:06 am

Yep, TQ2 will have permanent storage places, and also a bank for your money. :)

Re: Improvements

Wed May 01, 2019 8:03 am

Is it possible to have some fonts to choose from in the next game? I find the new fonts more difficult to read compared to the TQ Classic font. It's quite subjective, and I think it would be great to be able to pick font that matches each player's tastes the most.

Re: Improvements

Fri May 03, 2019 5:37 am

Oh, my complaint is about is the size of the font. I rehabilitated my iPhone 4s and found out it's quite easy to read on a small screen. I wonder if anyone else feels that way too. Maybe it's just a matter of habit.

Re: Improvements

Thu May 16, 2019 4:20 pm

I'm replaying on Android and realizing that the ability to hide quests would be really nice. The current tracker-less quest system is nice enough, but sometimes having 1-2 pages of open quests is confusing when I re-open the game.

On PC this isn't nearly as big a deal, as I'm normally playing for 2-3 hours not 15-20 minutes.

Taking that a step further, the ability to cancel an active quest would be cool? Obviously it wouldn't be pheasable for an important plot critical quest, but maybe for the side/fetch quests?

Re: Improvements

Wed May 22, 2019 2:05 pm

Okay, various font size and the possibility of cancel/hide quests is on our todo list, at least for consideration. :)

Re: Improvements

Wed May 06, 2020 2:31 pm


I'm color-blind, can the square selection on map screen be in some bright color or a dark one (or a selction of colors).
When playing on the quest on androis, it's sometime hard for me to see where is the square showing where I'm.

Another small point, when a popup text pop, if I'm press a movement key too fast, I didn't have time to read it... maybe adding an option to force confirmation or not...


Re: Improvements

Tue Jun 30, 2020 5:07 pm

Since the Game will also have an Editor, please imlement PNG Support! :lol:
The 32 Bit BMPs drive me nuts, because I have no PS and GIMP does not export them correctly. :roll:

Re: Improvements

Wed Apr 10, 2024 7:51 pm

Custom notes added on the map are now always indicated by a green icon. It would be super if i could pick an icon and color for the note

Re: Improvements

Sun Apr 14, 2024 10:15 pm

Would be nice if the map was zoomable, since sometimes it is too small when playing on the phone. Just let me zoom it to 500% bigger and i’m very happy

Re: Improvements

Mon Apr 15, 2024 8:22 pm

Would be nice if the map shows visited areas (visited = player actually has stepped on that square) in some brighter colour and non-visited (just seen, but not actually stepped on) areas in some darker colour.

Re: Improvements

Sat Apr 20, 2024 1:01 pm

Regarding places found, such as shops and map areas, NPCs, etc. It would be nice if the map included a search function, because i quite often forget where someone/something/somewhere was located. Of course it would only remind you of the places already found.

Re: Improvements

Sun Apr 21, 2024 7:04 pm

Also, for the inventory a search function would be perfect! And possibilities to mark some items as favourites and some items as junk.

Re: Improvements

Sun Apr 21, 2024 7:07 pm

About items, one more thing; giving a nickname to an item would also be very much fun

Re: Improvements

Sun Apr 21, 2024 7:12 pm

One more about items: after enchanting an item, it is not currently possible see how many enchantment points it originally had. Please display the number of spent enhancement points also for enchanted items, so it is easier to compare them

Re: Improvements

Sun Apr 28, 2024 7:40 pm

It would be cool if i could paint a graffiti on a wall, maybe with a spell or special item. The graffiti’s would help to navigate in mazes etc. Even more perfect would be to have different colours graffiti available

Re: Improvements

Sun May 05, 2024 7:01 pm

it would be nice if autosave is not just one file, but a rolling set of files. for example, 5 files by default and maybe even let the user configure how many autosaves are rolling at a time

Re: Improvements

Sun May 05, 2024 7:13 pm

i understand that the current Quest games are done with an editor. it would be ultra cool if you could add some degree of randomisation into the maps, for example let the map editor define a rectangle boundary containing random elements and mandatory elements such as doorways at specific locations etc. …… but i guess this would require a LOT of work

Re: Improvements

Mon May 06, 2024 7:23 pm

when i open and close the inventory, it would be nice that it opens back to the previous page when opened again … i mean, if i take the time to navigate all the way to my rings, then close the inventory and open it again, it would open up in the rings section again (or the same page)

Re: Improvements

Sun May 19, 2024 7:46 pm

it would be nice to have a side-by-side comparison screen of two chosen items. best to allow it for any two items, we might come up with new ways to use it :)

Re: Improvements

Sun May 19, 2024 7:49 pm

would be nice if could mark item as favourite and then in shop get message “You can’t sell favourite item” if trying to accidentally sell it

Re: Improvements

Tue Jun 04, 2024 8:41 pm

Would be nice if every item shows where it was obtained from, and in which expansion.

Re: Improvements

Tue Jun 04, 2024 8:47 pm

Would be nice if enchanting equipment would also allow to create negative effects. For example, increase strength by 2 would cost as much as enchanting decrease strength by 2.
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