new spell suggestions

News and suggestions during the development of The Quest's sequel. (Title is work in progress.)

new spell suggestions

Postby sostrange » Thu Apr 04, 2024 9:01 pm

Create Lots of Food

- higher mana cost but relatively more food created at once
- name can be something fun also, like Create Feast or Create Banquet


- will transport the user 1 step forward, then wait an eyeblink and transfer again 1 step forward
- keep repeating for 6 or 8 times
- movement blocked by obstacles normally, but this allows conveniently to move many steps with just one spell

Duplicate Object

- duplicates the object at your feet
- only works if exactly one object is at feet
- one object becomes two objects
- does not work on quest items (non-sellable items)

Reveal Hidden

- huge mana cost
- removes the “hidden by strong magic” of map
- the “hidden by strong magic” automatically comes back after 2 turns

Enchant 2.0

- as per the original spell but allows to overfill spell capacity
- small overflow of capacity has a medium chance of success
- big overflow of capacity has a small chance of success
- upon failure, item is destroyed


- destroys the items at your feet
- does not destroy quest items (yellow title, non-sellable items)

Dispel Magic Field

- works only on magic fields that have a certain tag/flag
- above condition is needed not to break other expansions gameplay


- repairs all your gear at once
- could be somehow tied to repair skill to not make it redundant?

Clear Enhancements

- removes all enchantments from a single item on the floor
- does not work on quest items


- lets you initiate conversation with a creature that is far away but in your line of sight

Set beacon

- marks the current location and coordinate where the player is
- a small arrow will guide player back to beacon when “Recall beacon” is cast
- does not need to count for natural obstacles like mountains, player needs to find a way around by themself
- could be fun mechanic for finding quest items

Summon creature
- summons a monster that is native to this location
- creature is hostile or friendly randomly(?)
- if max limit of creatures is reached, spell just fails
- summoned creatures don’t give xp but can drop loot

Power Sleep

- gives the benefits of a rest without actually spending 8 hours
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Joined: Thu Apr 04, 2024 8:48 pm

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