What the games tell players - a blog or a place to go figure

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What the games tell players - a blog or a place to go figure

Postby Ezdra » Sat Mar 25, 2023 10:19 pm

Here is a place to think hard about The Quest.

You may post here too.

It doesn't need to be something exceptionally clever, no.

It's about trying to find answers in stories - why certain things happened in the games.

I will give wrong answers every now and then, and so could you because all of our beliefs are limited, because we're not universal humans.

Maybe you are. I welcome you. Maybe not at all. I welcome you.

Feel free to post emotional things, things that nobody ever bothered to understand. It's all for you - so you could get the truth you want, be it personal or simple curiosity etc.

WARNING: some posts here may be almost impossible to understand. Don't feel bad about it. It may or may not be important, but don't torture yourself if it becomes THAT hard. Like torture, I mean.

Now, let's raise a toast for for free and joyful talk! (only fortify and resistance potions are available for this toast, no mush rum or black beer; that's because only Ultimate class potions can be purchased here, sorry)

(this is a duplicate of what I wrote at Zarista games' forums)

:arrow: Point is, there's a presumption I make - that a story adds to itself without the writer noticing it :!:

1. Horde II

In fact, there's a part that's upside down gospel. In Lord Yuz's letter the story goes like this: Mage Nur Ali made a book by trapping Bethlusaa in it, and when the book was recited, "miracles happened; the sick were cured, the lame felt renewed vigor, the blind could once again see." What's this fable doing by listing Jesus Christ's deeds and calling it "a holy relic a procession of pilgrims would find in the palace of Lord Yuz's cousin, King Ja'far al Abra?" And then saying that "This is of course what Bethlusaa wanted all along"? And then "visions of a great dragon king and how he would [open Princess Yasmine] to a wonderful revelation when he grew stronger (whatever)"?

Well, as it is written in Hebrews 13:9 - Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein.

Carried about... carried along... with divers and strange doctrines...

Grace - it's what I talked about as something better than anything I could imagine or anything else I could have.

It is way too rich in spirit...ism. The base game didn't go THAT far. Or did it? The Gatekeeper being the eye of the apocalyptic storm and all that... I shouldn't care. Please try not to let games become hazardous like that.

:idea: Maybe it's just a "psychological projection" and the Truth is actually close to what Lord Yuz tried to represent in Horde II, so I would leave the question open for people more clever than me to figure this out. That is, if they become interested in The Quest :) I become too exhausted when I think of it, but I think Bethlusaa is treated like a villain too resolutely, so it's dark, not light. If only there was a way to make a reconciling choice with villains, maybe then the narrative would come to more virtuous conclusions, even if the villains stay villains and get beaten and killed when the player reconsiders. What do you think? The main part is the conclusion - Bethlusaa is too good for a villain, which is a mistake that was made at the outset of Horde II creation: in Lord Yuz's letter which is given to the player by Old Shaman right away.

Given how many deceiving spirits there are, it could easily be that Bethlusaa in Horde II is not Bethlusaa at all. That's because he hadn't said a word, so I as player have no proof that he's Bethlusaa. All people could be deceived and in turn deceive the player. The question then is: who called the spirit in the tome "the spirit of Bethlusaa"? The story is STRANGE. Just think of it: a NEARBY mage Nur Ali did a super successful possession of a tome. Because it's power, right. But is it true? A nearby mage? Well, surely such magic doesn't work so. Magic is occult, meaning it keeps secrets in order to manipulate people to do things but the secrets only work if they stay secrets.

Dead dragon is dead. Even if he were not, one NPC (King Ja'far al Abra) got it right - it's not something he can overcome.

But anyway, it's about Jesus and how we can't bear what's pure and true because of sin, so in the game what's pure and true is called "Bethlusaa's spirit". The deception is Biblical. Whether we like it or not it is so. Whether we ignore it or not, it is so. Whether we believe or not... it is so.

2. HOL1

Just WOW :o

Now that was an ending that could cause a tear to drop but it can leave a lot of happy emotions too :D

I wonder who designed Gleb's and Pahom's quest? I love this simplicity in a clearly spiritual quest. No idea if it's realistic but since nothing weird from human standpoint happened in it I assume it is.

Kudos to whoever wrote "The Firewind" story. Now that's a good illustration of what's so good in the Old Testament. I read it just as I was leaving the spy to fight Savirs who broke into Zlatograd. Made me emotional :)

Oh my, this is good.

It's hard to be critical when you have what you value in a game. It's the first time I feel this happiness mixed with interestingness after a story's ending.

You see? Most books in The Quest have a bad ending, while "The Firewind" which is definitely influenced by Old Testament logic is a touching story with evil destroyed and main characters left with happiness. It is an engrossing short story with a happy ending. Imagine what a longer tale based on both Judeo and Christian logic could be like! Impossible to imagine! It can only be written and read.
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Joined: Fri Mar 24, 2023 3:16 am

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