"The Quest Blog"

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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby mangoose » Thu Jan 02, 2014 7:37 am

I just joined the forums and agree that they seem dead. s you know, I've been fairly active in my topic about my expansion, but people need to contribute more. The more everyone contributes, the more everyone gets from this forum. (Synergy)
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby wolf3167 » Thu Jan 02, 2014 9:14 pm

Alright. We have 2 or 3 more major posts to the end. I was going to use this layout:
Post 15- Complete the quest in the Goblin Village to kill the witch
Post 16- Get gear and items for the final battle. Go to Northeast Island
Post 17- Finish the main mission
Post 18- Tie up any loose ends on Freymore
Posts 19- about 30 will be spent on Islands of Ice and Fire. From there, I don't know where we will go.
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby Prickett » Fri Jan 03, 2014 12:12 am

Go to hol1, I'm kinda stuck there
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby wolf3167 » Fri Jan 03, 2014 1:15 am

In time I will. Not directly after the main game. ;)
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby Prickett » Fri Jan 03, 2014 1:22 am

I know, I meant after the islands of ice and fire.
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby wolf3167 » Fri Jan 03, 2014 10:37 pm

Quest Blog Post 15
Alright guys! The end is in sight! Hell yeah! Today Vlad will be doing some stuff to get funding for his final battle. If anyone is interested in Vlad's backstory, all will be revealed by the end of the main game. Also, my goal of writing the whole blog without dying at all is almost complete! This will be the longest post yet. Long enough to divide into two parts! Enjoy...

Vlad had come a long way since reaching Freymore (seriously, look at his stats at the end of post 1!) and it was almost time to finish things here. He wanted to get the best equipment money could buy before he went to the island though. However, he was a little more than lacking coins. He needed a new weapon, a new robe to enchant, as much performance enhancing jewelry as possible, and of course potions to help fight any fiends he may face. He also needed to enchant his new Mithril suit! Expensive shopping list, eh? With just under 2000 gold pieces, Vlad decided to explore the area south of Phryn to see if there were any ruins to pillage or anything of interest. He had heard tell of a village of goblins near the southern tip of the island and wondered what kind of loot they might have that he could... "earn" (loot from their cold, dead corpses... Just kidding!).

During his adventures in Freymore, Vlad had met a lot of people and seen lots of sights. He was beginning to think that maybe it wouldn't be that bad of a place to settle down after all this shit was over. Maybe he could ask Mersant to make this his permanent post, settle down, and enjoy life here. But he knew it couldn't last- his Nogur blood made him constantly thirst for greater challenges, and he couldn't live a life of peace after this. He would always want greater power, wealth, and fame, regardless of who he worked with- Mersant or for himself. Mersant was a good king but this was just his starting point in his goal to become the most powerful warrior in the kingdom of Monares (I believe that is the correct spelling). Regardless, he wanted to explore the southern tip of the island, so that is where he went.

NOTE- when traveling south of Phyrn, I recommend saving after every battle as the spell casters can be downright ruthless! I had many close calls, but thankfully no deaths!

Vlad teleported to Phryn and walked directly south. He walked for nearly 30 minutes before being ambushed in the Eastern Silver Glades by a witch. He killed her and looted 100 gold pieces and a Spellbook of Unholy Word to sell later. He was injured badly during the fight due to the witch's magical attacks. He missed his old breastplate and the magic resistance it provided. Shortly after he killed her and began walking south again, it began raining. He hated rain. Nevertheless, he continued on. A mistress initiate attacked him a little farther south and he was paralyzed many times. To make things worse, when he finally killed the witch another jumped out and paralyzed him! He healed up and drank a potion to resist magic before slaughtering the bitch.
After walking for perhaps ten more minutes, he was PISSED off. Two more witches jumped and paralyzed him. He healed while paralyzed and then cut the first down before slaying her friend.
Before going any further, Vlad teleported to Mithria (after marking a spot) to rethink this in peace. He would likely face many more enemies with magic in the southern area of the island, so he may as well enchant his Mithril breastplate to resist magic. He went and sold any extra loot, totaling 3287 gold pieces, before gawking at the price to enchant his Mithril armor completely- 9000 gold pieces! Almost as much as the armor itself! Saddened, he went to the city inn, spent the night, teleported back to his previous location in the wilderness, and continued southward. Finally, after another quick skirmish, he arrived at the village of the goblins. They all seemed peaceful enough, he supposed. Nevertheless, he kept his hand on his axe.

Vlad walked around town, socializing with the goblins. Some were friendly but others downright hostile to him. Finally he came to the door of the Meeting Hall of the High Goblin Council. Chief Waheetu asked him to come in and he accepted the offer as it was getting chilly outside. The chief gave him some ale and a chair next to a fire.
"Well met, human. I believe your name is Vlad, correct? We have heard of your exploits on this island. Tell me, what brings you to this isolated little corner of hell?"
Vlad sipped his ale and replied:
"I am on a mission for my king, Mersant, but that is between us, not you, friend. I came down to your little village to see if I could earn any money here." The chief smiled cunningly.
"It seems as if we have just the job for you, friend. You see, witches have attacked our people over the past year and we are offering a bounty for their queen- 800 gold pieces and you get to be a judge in our beer brewing contest! You even get to keep any treasure from their hideout!" Vlad agreed, and the two shared a toast. The chief also gave him a special hammer to use in order to kill the witch queen. He put it in his sack carefully and was told that the base of the witches was west of the village, in the Swamp of Tears, on the peninsula. He would have to pass the wall to get there. He walked west from the village after setting a Mark spot. Before he had walked far, however, he was attacked by a winged eye while near some gallows. He ducked behind some and dashed towards the beast. Before he could, though, the thing launched a fireball at him, winding him. Walking further west through the miserable bog, he was attacked by two witches! He downed a potion of resist magic and charged! One poisoned him but he slew them both. Reached Level 14!
+2 intelligence +2 endurance, +1 strength
+2 Env Magic, H Weapon, H Armor, +4 Accuracy

Unfortunately he had no antidotes on hand! He quickly marked a spot and teleported to Vastares, where he stayed at the inn. That was too close!

NOTE: it was pretty stupid of me not to grab any cure poison potions (antidotes) beforehand as the next dungeon is crawling with enemies that poison you. Bring a LOT of antidotes.

Vlad learned from that near-fatal encounter and bought 10 antidotes. Then he teleported back to the swamp and continued west, trudging onward. Almost immediately, he was attacked by 2 more witches and poisoned again. After another small skirmish, he arrived at the wall and paid the toll of 50 gold to cross. He had to wonder- if this was the resistance he had faced before even arriving, what would it be like inside the stronghold?

End of Post 15A
-Will post stats in Post 15B, which will be out in a few days. Now that X-Mas is over, time to go back to work on the blog and in reality!
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby wolf3167 » Mon Jan 06, 2014 11:52 pm

Quest Blog Post 16
Alright, guys. Let's finish this up quickly, shall we? I'm ready to begin Expansion Number 1! We will make progress on the quest for the goblins and make preparations for the final battle today. The last battle will begin in Post 17.

Continuing where we left off...
Vlad had crossed the wall. Now he headed south, hugging the wall. He followed it south and even found a small opening in it with some potions and scrolls inside! (awesome little stash Redshift) :)

He killed a couple more witches in a skirmish and even killed a swamp goblin which had probably been enslaved by the witches. He drank an antidote after the fight and found a manhole on the peninsula. He descended after marking a spot outside as a precaution.
Inside, he was instantly attacked by a witch adept. He cut her down and followed the south wall to a cobweb, which he cut down, followed by another witch. After that, he came to a wooden door, which he opened cautiously. He stepped in and was attacked by a witch and an eye. He advanced a little bit before hiding in a side hallway. He drank an and idiots and cast a healing charm on himself before charging the two things and killing them. He also found a Spellbook of Cure Poison. Very handy, eh? After killing them he found himself in a garden. He ducked aside when he saw another witch approaching, then smashed her face in. After killing that witch he took a passage to the north, coming to a sign that read: "Garden of the Queen". He entered through the huge vaulted doors and found himself in a room with an expert witch and a fountain of human blood. He hid behind the fountain before jumping out and cleaving her face off with his axe. However, as he kills her another jumped out. He was hit by a near fatal fireball but took her down too. Now, he rested for a while in the garden before continuing. One dropped a Spellbook of drain mana! Not bad! Refreshed slightly, he found that there was no more food in his pack. He growled and continued north through another door. He turned right and found himself at a pit with 2 witches on the other side . He attached a rope, swung across, and killed them both. Another witch ambushed him around a corner and he killed her too. He had to heal on the third one, however.
He read a sign. It said plainly:
"Gateway". He had a bad feeling about this, but opened the gate on the west side of the chamber. There were 2 evil eyes directly in front of him- he slew them both. He looted some items off the shelves to sell later. Then he stepped into a portal. There was an evil eye and a blood in the place he arrived in- a solid red room with blood everywhere. He killed them both and searched the room. Finally, he found a lever, which he flipped. He stepped back into the portal and found himself in the Witch Base again. He took the teleporter on the north side of the room and found himself in a crypt. He put down 2 skeletons and 2 ancient ghouls before exploring. He found a key, a book relating to mind magic, and a huge locked door, which he didn't bother to open. He instead sat down and read all the spellbooks he had collected this far. Now he drank a potion of healing and a potion of mana before continuing. He went west and found it to be a dead end with water too deep for him to swim in, so he turned back east and took the left side of the hallway he had previously been in. He came to a spike pit and stepped over it. No big deal. He came to the "torture room" and tried to unlock the door. It wouldn't budge. He backtracked a bit and found no alternative way. Then he thought about going to Mithria and enchanting something to increase his Environmental Magic to try and unlock the door, but remembered that he was here to make money, not lose it trying to help the goblins. Reluctantly, he turned back. (Give Vlad all the evil fame you want, this was about him, not some goblins.)
He returned to Mithria and sold all his loot, totaling 7616 gold pieces. Damn. So close. So, like any sensible person, he went to the inn in Mithria's port district and played cards, betting 500 gold pieces at a time, always choosing the Necromancer deck. He won five games straight, basically stealing 2,500 gold coins from the reluctant innkeeper before the idiot accused him of cheating. Vlad walked out with his pockets feeling full and headed to the magic shop to enchant his breastplate.
Vlad had the thing enchanted with +30% magic resistance, bringing his total to 73%. Not bad, though his cost was 9,000 gold pieces. Ridiculous! He had little over 1,000 gold pieces left over.

Vlad walked outside and sat down on the plaza. He supposed it was about time to get ready for the last battle. His weapon was OK, but not great, but his real strength lay in his defenses. He was like a walking tank, infallible by most melee fighters due to his sheer stamina. If he played to his strengths, he thought, maybe the battle could be won. He would buy as many potions of resist magic as possible and repair his gear before he moved out. The total cost to repair his equipment was 1,900 gold, so he went and played three rounds at the tavern in the city walls (he had been "banned" from the other one which was in the port) before repairing his gear completely. He then bought 3 small potions of resist magic from the shop in Matras ( he had 73% magic resistance so drinking a +25% potion brought him up to 98%- close enough :) ).

He also filled three canteens with water and bought some bread in Matras' inn before staying the night there- just like his first night on the island. This marked his 30th day on the island of Freymore- a whole month! In the morning he purchased 3 intermediate repair hammers before teleporting to Mithria- this was it! The beginning of the end!
He prepared for the walk north...

End of Post

End of Chapter 4
Detailed Stats
Level- 14 XP:142k/180k
Max Hp:142 Max Mp:180 AC:72
Melee Damage:32-60
Gold: 12 :)
Magic:73%, Poison: 67%, Paralysis:16%, Disease:77%

Fame :Good
Outfit:Dressy (78)
Quests completed (solved,failed):19
About a third of all the quests in the core game! We still may have some work after the final battle!

Anyways, it's been a real pleasure to write and post this blog so far about such a great game.
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby Prickett » Tue Jan 07, 2014 6:40 pm

12 gold lol
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby mangoose » Tue Jan 07, 2014 10:20 pm

cant wait for the next post!
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby wolf3167 » Sun Jan 12, 2014 6:49 am

Quest Blog Post 17
Chapter 5: The End
Vlad has come a long way since September 24. He's been on for over 3 months now! This is it: the beginning of the end! We will do this in two posts- one detailing the majority of the battles and the other describing the last bit of the fight, the ending, and the rewards.

Before we continue, I would like to think:
Sylon, Elendil, Stewe, Catacomber, Brian, Barny, and any others that had a role in the development of the game and its add-ons. I have played this game while waiting for my students to come in and when bored for the past few years and want not only the game, but its community, to thrive in the present and future. This "blog" is my major contribution to the game's community, and I hope you have enjoyed it thus far.
Let's roll

-Your buddy wolf :)

Vlad was on the verge of the end. He actually hoped that the Mysterious Man was an enemy just so that he could kill the man. Slightly unhealthy, but true. He headed north, hugging the shore, so as to avoid any attacks. An evil eye attacked but he cut it down before arriving at a pier with a ghostly figure standing still, facing the sea.

TIP- Save now

Vlad approached him.

TIP- Seriously, do it.

The man turned around and... Laughed. A ghostly figure, he put an arm on Vlad's shoulder and told him to sit. He explained that only Vlad could see him and that he was in fact chosen. He could take Vlad to the island but he must be wary- a hooded figure had sailed across earlier on a sloop with a contingent of orcs- perhaps to ambush Vlad. Could it be...?

TIP- Save. Now. Just do it. Please.

Vlad agreed to ride the boat across the channel to the Wasteland. It was a chilling journey but Vlad got off ready to fight. The sailor told Vlad that he would wait for his return. Vlad began to walk east. There were bodies and skulls everywhere, and the air was cold. Finally, avoiding many pits of acid, Vlad came to a dark castle. He cautiously stepped in and found 2 people standing inside. He went to the eastern chamber and knocked. A woman came out and embraced him. She seemed almost... familiar. She explained the entire situation to him. The gods of good ruled this world but the gods of evil rules others. Vlad had actually stepped into that dimension several times on his travels, such as in the Dungeon of Blood, Abandoned Mine, and the Witch Hideout. Every 1,000 years, the dark gods had a chance to invade this world, but one hero had been reborn every time- Vlad. She told him that she would die in 12 hours if he did not get her a special potion that was kept across a pit of spikes in the southern part of the castle. He agreed to. He fell into three pits of poison but climbed out each time until he was at the potion. Miraculously, he was not poisoned! He took it, flipped a switch, and was back. She told him thanks and gave him some potions, one of which was of permanent strength- he drank it. Now he walked outside the castle, ready for the battle. As he walked out, he saw the Mysterious Man... Only he was the leader of the Mage Council! Leading a platoon of orcs. He laughed at Vlad before teleporting away (wouldn't want to spoil EVERY secret in the game). Vlad faced down the many orcs, hatred in his eyes. He slaughtered the whole god damned army. He let out a frightening war cry- he was coming for the leader of the Mage Council next! Then he stepped back into the castle, leaving the enemy corpses, and repaired his equipment almost completely before tossing the repair hammers away, healing himself with magic, and touching the mana sphere of the castle. Now he went and picked up his book: "The Quest", and read it, intrigued, before stowing it in his pack and leaving the castle. He walked north, hugging the coast, and went west . It started raining. Marvelous. He came to a pentacle.

NOTE- Save

He stepped inside. The MM was facing him, weak. The idiot offered to join forces with Vlad, obviously to save his own sorry hide! Vlad roared and slew the bastard. He dropped a couple of cheap scrolls. Now, Vlad set out to find his enemies: the kings of Dragons and Undeath. He went west, using his rope to cross a chasm, and opened a bone gate, destroying the three Hell Skeletons behind it. He went inside the chamber, flipped a switch down, and looted a gold ring and a scroll of disarm from two urns. As he stepped back out, he came back to the main room, where he had killed the MM, and went east. He saw a key in the hand of an idol and went to pick it up, but as he did, two ghouls attacked him. He defeated both of the worthy foes, looting a nice backup weapon: a "Guardian Spiked Flail" and some scrolls from shelves. He cured the Warrt he recieved from a puddle of infected water by downing a potion and went back to the central chamber again, this time heading north to the chamber of the Dragon King, who he spoke to. Vlad said to the beast, "Actually, you will serve me!" The beast responded:
"I like your style, Nogur! Servants, do not interfere! And so the duel began. Vlad downed a potion of "strong fortify melee" and swung. He healed about half a dozen times over the course of the battle, but he won! The battle lasted almost half an hour (30 turns) and the beasts hailed him as king. He took the weapon he found on the Dragon King- a maul of the gods, and decided to use it. He went west and opened a bone door, killing the ghoul behind it. He took any valuables and went back to the main room of the fortress, this time heading... South, into the pit of hell!

End of Post 17- Post 18 will be out VERY soon with Vlad's stats as well, so stay tuned!
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby DeMenchev » Sun Jan 12, 2014 2:42 pm

Cool! :D
Yet you should have picked another option that triggers all the dragons to make the fight cooler.
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby wolf3167 » Sun Jan 12, 2014 4:01 pm

Yeah, I hear ya. ;). 60 posts (61 including this one). Awesome!
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby mangoose » Sun Jan 12, 2014 7:55 pm

Can't wait until you start ice and fire!
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby wolf3167 » Mon Jan 13, 2014 12:55 am

mangoose wrote:Can't wait until you start ice and fire!

What if I were to start tonight?

Quest Blog Post 18
Let's finish this, shall we?

Vlad stepped down into the pit of hell, a hot, dark place with corpses piled high. He stepped forward, attracting some monsters. He drank a small potion of resist magic and let them have it ("it" being his maul of course). He dropped four of the beasts, the so-called "Undead Servants".

NOTE- I actually switched back to my Great Battle Axe here due to the fact that I had enchanted it for +10AC. Really, the most important stats for the final battle are magic resistance and AC. Everything else is icing on the cake, so to speak. With just 70AC, I rarely had to heal! Sure, the monsters took a while to kill, but old Vlad sure has a lot of stamina. :)
Also, the spell "Restoration" and the "Wand of Ultimate Restoration" that you get from the Island of Ghula are both fantastic here!

He looted several spell books and books of training (skill books) before using his wand of ultimate restoration and drinking a mana potion. As he stepped farther into the pit of hell, he felt powerful. He had already killed the King of the Dragons and was the new king, so how hard could it be to re-kill some corpses? As he entered the chamber of the king, the king called out:
"Such a weak creature would like to end MY reign? Ha! Servants, kill it!"
Vlad was in a fight for his life. After downing a potion of resist magic, he swung at the king. He used a wand of lightning bolt (he found it on one of the minion's corpses) and took the king and one of his minions down to about half-strength before using all six charges. After slaying one minion, we reached level 15!

+2EnvMag, Block, H. Weapon, H. Armor, +2Accuracy

Vlad now turned his attention to the king and drank another potion of resist magic. He sliced at the king repeatedly, backing the beast up and finally... He slew the thing. However, these beasts refused to proclaim him as their king so he slew them all, as usual. He looted a holy helm, an ancient shield, an ancient god shield, and a scroll of strong resist plague. Now, he left the cursed pit and took the pentacle back to Freymore. That had been... crazy. He walked back to the dark castle and spoke to his cousin. He told her to close the damned gate, of course. Now he went back to the mainland via the boat and gave the cure to the governor's doctor immediately. The next day, Mersant summoned him to Beraquel, the capital, to personally greet him as the world's savior. He gave Vlad a house in Mithria and proclaimed him protector of the world . He also gave him a masterwork blade. Vlad's new home had a shitload of space and plenty of... booze.

Tying up loose ends:

Just kidding, of course.
He did, though, mark a spot in the house for easy access to his storage chests. He then went and sold all his loot, drinking the potion of permanent endurance which the Gatekeeper had given him (you can only drink one permanent potion per level). When Vlad offered to sell his old axe to the Mithrian blacksmith, the man almost fainted at the thought of acquiring such a famous weapon! Vlad, though, preferred the blade Mersant had gifted to him. After selling all his loot, he totaled 17,000 gold pieces! Vlad went to the tavern and shot the pints before falling asleep on the wooden floor.

End of Post
End of Chapter 5
End of Part I- The Core

So, guys, how'd I do? Before I start posting on Ice and Fire, I want to know how YOU want me to go about tackling the quests of the expansion. I don't normally do many sidequests for Ice and Fire but if you guys tell me which ones to do I will quickly figure them out. I basically want to help you guys solve anything you can't figure out, or at least entertain you!

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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby Prickett » Mon Jan 13, 2014 2:39 am

The way I just took out islands of ice and fire was doing all the side quests on Eldfell first then going to Thule. It was fun doing it that way for me.
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby mangoose » Mon Jan 13, 2014 12:37 pm

Wow! Congrats on finishing the main game, I didn't expect that to happen so soon, but it's a nice surprise! I only just beat fire and ice fire the first time in late December, and I barely did any sidequests. But, You probably should do a bunch just to level up for hero of lukomorye. I ended ice and fire at level 19, and that is not enough for hol1 to be reasonably difficult/easy.
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby wolf3167 » Mon Jan 13, 2014 8:04 pm

Level recommendation means nothing to Vlad (me). Most likely, I will finish Ice and Fire and then run through CCS quickly for the nice rewards from the main missions and the Chessesmaker's Guild. Besides, there are no guides on this forum for that.
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby Prickett » Mon Jan 13, 2014 10:18 pm

A request for side quests: find the counterfeiter, it baffles me
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby CEZben » Tue Jan 14, 2014 5:36 am

as in you you can't figure it out? Or as in it just seems wierd.
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby wolf3167 » Tue Jan 14, 2014 3:09 pm

I will assume that if he wants me to do it, he cannot figure it out. That one requires a high persuade score, if I recall correctly. I will post again in a few days. Vlad needs a short break sometimes.
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby Prickett » Tue Jan 14, 2014 4:23 pm

Yes, I just can't figure it out
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby Prickett » Tue Jan 14, 2014 4:28 pm

Oh, and you should post a separate forum topic for the islands of ice and fire so it's easier to find the quests for people.
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby wolf3167 » Tue Jan 14, 2014 6:12 pm

Yep, I was thinking of doing that, actually.
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby Prickett » Tue Jan 14, 2014 8:19 pm

Great minds think alike!
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby wolf3167 » Tue Jan 14, 2014 11:55 pm

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