News and suggestions during the development of The Quest's sequel. (Title is work in progress.)
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Many suggestions

Wed Dec 10, 2014 10:11 am

1. Translation. Make something that will give a way to players to translate the game. Something like Google doc, where all lines are written and everybody can help with translation.
2. Map ajustments:
a) Bigger minimap (like 7x7).
b) Further map discovering (range where map is being drew where you looking), and same range at night.
c) World map is not colored at the start of game, but if player discovered a region fully, then it gets painted on world map (sea parts are colored from start).
d) Colored minimap.
e) Visible difference between tree and stump on minimap (because first is passable and second isn't), same with bushes and flovers (again because they have a game mech difference) and same with passable rivers.
f) If flower was collected it has different icon (it will change back when it grow up).
g) Enemies that you have seen appearing (and always stay) on minimap.
h) Smaller position icon on world map, like red dot. And above map pointer, that shows your gaze direction.
i) Name of world regions shows up only if player stood in that region or NPC said about it.
j) Scalable world map.
3. Sell all flowers button :D

Re: Many suggestions

Sat Mar 14, 2015 6:29 am

I second and like a lot of those ideas.
And to just add/suggest:
~those 'hidden' caches, such as against walls and Usually next to barels... In my opinion ought not be indicated on the room map with the red dot highlight... Sort of defeats the purpose of them being hidden. I think it's more fun searching for Easter eggs! And there should be more Easter eggs/Hidden rooms-hidden treasure-hidden switches, perhaps hidden NPCs, and so on.

Re: Many suggestions

Wed May 27, 2015 6:19 pm

I would like autolooting enabled, especially for gold; rather than opening up another inventory page, a simple click could do. For items, a choice in the menu options between autoloot and opening up an inventory page, which could be toggled at will.

Re: Many suggestions

Wed Oct 28, 2015 4:46 pm

I think magic needs a shot in the arm, you know what I mean? Like you should be able to play easily as a Mage and enemy's need lower magic resistance. Also some summoning spells would be nice and levitation would be OP!!! I also think that likanthrapy and vampirism would be cool! If you are a were wolf you can be a wolf, human or half wolf(a little like in skyrim). If you are a vampire you can heal yourself by drinking blood and you can grow wings and fly!!! Both likanthrapy and vampirism would have there own guilds/quest lines(although they would not always be completely legal;). I also think marriage would be kind of fun. I LOVE this seres and I love that it's makers care enuf to creat this form, I hope that one day The Quest will have a following just as big as the elder scrolls( although it has come pretty close I mean these forums are HUGE)

Re: Many suggestions

Thu Oct 29, 2015 6:31 pm

Also I think necromancy (the ability to reanimate dead npcs ether temporarily of permanently) would be really cool.

Re: Many suggestions

Fri Nov 06, 2015 11:49 pm

How about using the touch screen to maneuver objects on-screen,for puzzle solving, physics based riddles, and such. I like the concept of applying point-and-click adventure to grid-based RPGs. As long as you tactfully avoid pixel hunting, which is as bad as those fed-ex quests. Also, congrats! XD
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