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Uploading to Steam.

Sat Jun 17, 2017 4:00 am

Uploaded Terror's Returnal yesterday. I don't know where it went on steam. I agreed to the terms. It didn't appear on the list of free worlds and I'm not sure I can open the page again. I could try uploading it again if there's no way to check whether it's there. I could have missed a hidden notification because some things are hidden well on Steam.

Re: Uploading to Steam.

Sat Jun 17, 2017 5:39 am

Check in your Steam account under your name and look for Content under your name. Click as many times as necessary to get your Workshop to show up. You should have a Workshop and that should be in your Workshop.

See if it's there. To get it to show up anywhere else I think you may need Elendil's help. Not sure.

Re: Uploading to Steam.

Sat Jun 17, 2017 6:09 am

After uploading, you can set various things on the world's homepage. It's standard Steam Workshop stuff, if something is not clear, you should look for help with the Steam Workshop.

As Catacomber said, you can find your stuff in Steam under the "Content" menu point.

But to access a world's page, just load it in the editor, then select "File / Open the world's page in Steam". ;)

For your particular worlds:

You set "Terror's Returnal" to either "Friends-only" or "Hidden". When you upload, the default is "Public", so you must have set it by hand... In any case, you can set it on the world's homepage, in the "Owner controls" box (on the right side), under "Change Visibility".

Also, I think it would be best if you deleted all the other empty worlds you've created. Just select them and you'll find a "Delete" control in the same "Owner controls" box.

Re: Uploading to Steam.

Sat Jun 17, 2017 7:43 am

Thanks! It's up. There were two things that required my consent.

Re: Uploading to Steam.

Sat Jun 17, 2017 10:11 am

DeMenchev wrote:There were two things that required my consent.

Ah, yes, that too. Fortunately, it's a one time thing. (Unless Valve decides they need you to refresh it... :))
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