Help for a returning-new player.

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Help for a returning-new player.

Postby andymetoo » Fri Nov 20, 2020 6:57 am

Hello. I hope I'm posting this in the right board. I downloaded this game years ago and long story short, I'm giving it a third try. I got stuck the past two times and never really tried to reach out but I'm committed to beating it this time.

I'll get to the point: If I go to a new area and wander off in the wrong direction and get two-shotted by everything around me, should I be going back to easier lands and just grinding levels? I'm level 10 now and just did the "stealing the key from the orc guard for the slave" quest, but when I try to travel in almost any direction from that point I just get massacred.

Is this a case of "I don't belong here", or am I just picking the wrong path to walk thru and finding the dangerous neighborhoods, or does my gear just suck or what? Thanks.
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Re: Help for a returning-new player.

Postby Elendil / Redshift » Fri Nov 20, 2020 9:20 am

I don't exactly remember the particulars (what level you should be in different areas, etc.) but in general I recommend trying to find and complete all the quests you could. If a quest leads you to an area which seems hard, try to complete other quests first.

Level grinding is possible but the game wasn't designed for it. There are enough monsters in the way to level up if you do most of the quests.

As for equipment, getting light weapons and armor is generally easier. I'd recommend improving all your attributes equally but it might be worthwhile to always put a little bit more points into Dexterity (which governs light weapons and armor amongst others). Regardless of your attributes and skills, take/buy/use whatever equipment you find/can afford which gives you the most attack/defense, don't try to "specialize". The default character is good for this. Use both melee and magic (at least for healing). Try to stock up on potions and don't be afraid to use them. Ranged weapons (bows) are harder to use so don't try to be an "Archer" type character. Bows and arrows can be helpful against ranged enemies but it might be better to close in if possible.

Finally, there are many guides available, both here on the forums and on The Quest wiki. The can help.
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Re: Help for a returning-new player.

Postby Prickett » Fri Nov 20, 2020 4:14 pm

I’d recommend keeping a bow, throwing knives, or a ranged spell available at all times. That way, you can chip away at melee combatants whose only choice is to close out on you.

Also, if you’re not running an intelligence build, it will be worth the investment of enchanting for magic resistance. It was certainly the case for me that a spell caster was what I feared most on the battlefield, as their damage potential is quite high.

I hope this is helpful, and I applaud you for giving the game a third try. It took me two tries before I really understood the depth of the game and felt comfortable playing it.
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