"The Quest Blog"

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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby wolf3167 » Sat Oct 26, 2013 9:12 pm

Quest Blog Post 7
Welcome back everyone. Today we will be doing a couple of things: making a quick run to Phryn to enchant the armor from last week's quest.

Vlad was a bit disappointed in Dragon Blade he had received for the mission yesterday. It was worse than his current gear, so he sold it for 1500 gold coins. Now he needed to have his new plate mail enchanted, but nobody in Vastares could enchant that item to its maximum potential, so he decided to head to Phryn for a day, shop, enchant his armor, and come back. He walked out the north exit of Vastares and turned east on the road. It began to rain about when he turned on that crossroads, but he continued on, adding another item to his shopping list: a new cloak.
Walking east for about 30 minutes, he was attacked by an archer! God knew how annoying they were! He charged and beat her to a bloody pulp with his club. One less to deal with.
Shortly afterwards he arrived at a toll bridge with a guard in the front. Vlad payed his 100 gold fee and crossed to Phryn's side of the river. Now he journeyed east. Almost immediately he was attacked by a highlander barbarian. He killed the man but his opponent gave him some hits as well.

Reached level 9!
+3 intelligence, +2 personality (for persuade)
+2 environmental magic, +8 accuracy (was getting behind there) :)

He continued east and was attacked by the toughest, meanest archer he had ever met: an Amazon Archer. He shot an arrow coated with poison at her but it barely fazed his foe. He then charged, and though hit twice, reached her. Then he slashed her a couple of times, but to little effect. Then another barbarian rushed him and he engaged both foes at once! He killed the archer first, then struck down the barbarian, healing himself once on the way. His spoils were a cheap metal helm and a magic scroll to sell.
Before continuing on the hard journey he drank a potion of full healing. Then, it was back to the rainy road again.
A few more minutes down the road, Vlad encountered 3 barbarians and an archer. After that fight, he had no more healing potions and no magic left either, so he drank some mana potions before continuing. His last skirmish came on the bridge to Phryn's meadow. 2 amazon archers attacked him and he slaughtered them both. But then, one last foe attacked. A barbarian leader.
They fought long and hard and Vlad used many arrows and many club swings to bring the fighter down. But in the end, he beat his foe to the ground, triumphant. Finally, he continued into town as night fell. Those that were still out eyed him in amazement- he had beaten all those foes on the road and made it in alive! He went straight into the inn and bought 2 black beers, drinking them and retiring to a room.

Bright and early the next morning he went to the blacksmith- he bought a mystic dragon blade, a VERY good improvement over his current weapon. He enchanted it with +14 damage and his mail with +20% magic resistance. He was about broke now, but he was A LOT better equipped. Time to test it all out, right?

Before leaving Phryn, he marked a spot in town and teleported to Vastares. He had heard that the librarian :needed help finding a book and so offered to help, as she promised 4000 gold to get a book. How hard could it be? As Vlad would soon learn, some things are harder than they seem...

End of Post 7
Level- 9 XP- 20783/25000
Max Hp: 120. Max Mp: 125.
Damage- 27-50 AC-34 (need repairs)
Magic resistance: 7%

Vlad is coming along very well. Thank you all readers and as always if you have a question or comment, feel free to post it, as long as it pertains to the Blog. And remember to vote on good, evil, or neutral and which expansion should be gone over first :
1-Cursed Chess Set
2-Celtic Rift
3-Islands of Ice and Fire
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby Prickett » Wed Oct 30, 2013 7:22 pm

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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby CEZben » Sun Nov 03, 2013 2:58 pm

go with good for the inexperienced players and the official expansion should go first
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby CEZben » Tue Nov 05, 2013 2:27 pm

also, are you going to do the excorcism quest from the potion guy in vastaras?
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby wolf3167 » Tue Nov 05, 2013 11:42 pm

My plan is to do all the major quests that are important to beating the game and continuing on. However I did plan on hitting on a few misc side quests directly before the final battle. Maybe I will! ;)
By the way, sorry Post 8 is taking a while, I have been busy and it should be out in a day or two!
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby CEZben » Wed Nov 06, 2013 2:13 am

thats ok :) I always had trouble doing the excorcism quest when im supposed to, so im looking forward to what you would do
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby wolf3167 » Thu Nov 07, 2013 12:20 pm

Quest Blog Post 8
Today we will be starting my absolute favorite dungeon in the game. Yay us! Before we begin, I am going to do something new- provide some tips for this dungeon, the Sunken Monastery.
1- The monsters here are a step up and I think that throws off a lot of newbies. This is the game's first REAL dungeon. It separates the fat from the thin, so to speak. To prepare for this you can get your AC as high as possible- maybe by making a quick trip to Phryn as I did. Also, every single damn monster here can use magic- well. So get that magic resistance up with enchanting or potions! Thirdly, you need a good weapon to kill these things efficiently. Again, a Phryn trip may help.
2- Leave a marked location just outside. This is good to do with all dungeons, as if you get hurt or are lost without a map, you can warp to it!
3-This is a VERY important dungeon! You will get some good gear and more importantly, about 2 or 3 LEVELS of experience. Plus, it's fun to navigate.
Good luck, everyone!

Vlad walked into the Vastares library, having heard that it's owner needed help getting a rare book and would pay 4000 gold! The woman asked him to go to the Sunken Monastery to the west of Matras and get the book "Rituals of the Ancients." He could find help from Ithulde, the spell-seller in Matras.

He teleported to Matras (gotta love Mark/Recall) and went to the magic store. She would help him only if he considered her offer of 5000 gold for the book! Sure, why not?, he thought. She opened a portal at the Abandoned Pier west of town, but before Vlad set out he rested at the inn using some of his precious money. It was raining when he got up but he headed out anyways. When he got to the pier, he marked a spot just in case things went to hell. Then, the stepped in...

Things were dimly lit. And green, very green. He groped around and found his first treasures in shelves and barrels in the first room:
Potions of full healing and mana, and
better yet, a Permanent Strength potion, which he drank immediately!
He also found a couple of scrolls, probably to sell.
Now he could go north or south, so he went south. He came to a blue door, which appeared trapped, and cast Disarm on it. On the other side was a ghostly thing. He charged and attacked. After a long and bitter fight he won! (By the way, these things give 1500Xp!) It dropped a couple of scrolls, which he planned to sell. Now Vlad realized that MAYBE his armor wasn't quite good enough for these enemies. He drank a full healing potion and grabbed a key off the west wall. Now he opened the westernmost door in the southern chamber. He killed the ghost inside and opened the southernmost door, killing that ghoul as well. By doing so he reached level 10!
-+3Block,+4Heavy Armor,+2Environmental Magic,+1Heavy Weapons

The ghost dropped a sapphire and a scroll. Now Vlad grabbed the key from that shelf and opened the easternmost door. He grabbed that key. Now he pitched a bedroll and slept in the far corner of the monastery. It was a fitful 8 hours but when he awoke he was feeling a bit better. Now he went north and came to a 4-way intersection. He used the "Lost Key" to open the northernmost door and [killed?] the ghost behind it. Now he flipped a switch to the right and heard an ethereal voice:
"Have faith through the chasm!" He healed himself and went back to the intersection, this time facing east. He cast "disarm" on the bone door and it easily opened. Then he slew the Lost Soul on the other side. He turned left and went as far as he could. Then he turned away from the chasm and flipped a hidden button. The wall disappeared and he walked through, stepping on a pressure plate. Now he walked south along the chasm and took a step to the east when he hit the wall. Voila! He was walking on air! Before continuing he left the monastery via the original teleporter and ran to Matras in the early morning rain, utterly exhausted, severely injured, and weak. His mana reserves were almost gone so he couldn't teleport.

He sold all his crap loot and repaired his gear before crashing at the inn. He also bought some small potions of resist magic and read all his skill books. Now he decided that the best way to tackle this dungeon was with better equipment. Yet he was VERY poor. So what did he do? Gamble in Phryn. He played cards at the inn. He won several games, totaling a few thousand gold. He put a +13 Magic Resistance enchantment on an Ancient Shield and also bought an Ancient Helm, which came with +20% magic resistance as well as some Golden Armored Pants with +3 magic resistance and some plate boots. Finally, he bought an Ancient Ring from the Vastares jeweler.

Now he returned to the Sunken Monastery and went north, crossing the chasm and stepping in a portal on his right. He stepped forward, flipped a switch, killed a ghost, grabbed its loot, and ran out.
Another charged from the right side of the chasm, hinting where he needed to go. After killing it, he found a master repair hammer. He went to a safe zone and repaired his items.

Note: this next step is completely optional but will help IMMENSELY if you can pull it off!

At the northern intersection directly above the entrance teleporter, Vlad took a left and disarmed the door. Then he slew the Abandoned One directly inside. It dropped a skill book for heal magic and a Spellbook of resistance.

The reason this step is important is because that Abandoned One was shooting us the whole time when we fought the lost one in the teleporter. Now, we don't need to worry about that!

Back into the chasm room, Vlad walked across thin air once again and stepped into the second teleporter. He killed the ghost, looting a Spellbook of unlock (nice!) and flipped the switch before leaving and carrying on. He killed the ghost that flew across the chasm from his left and moved across the next walkway.
Before continuing on Vlad rested and drank a healing potion. The process repeated in the next teleporter and Vlad looted a flail: a guardian spiked flail with:
10-20 damage and +5AC.

He decided to try it out and see if he wanted it. He stepped out of the teleporter and was faced by an Abandoned One. He healed once in the fight but was rewarded well: it dropped a demonic scimitar and a skill book on undead magic he could sell.

Reached Level 11!
+3Heavy Weapons/+2Heavy Armor/+2Env Magic/+3Block

Vlad repeated the process on the last teleporter and killed the Lost inside. He stepped across the center of the chasm and flipped a switch. Walls of force were disappearing!
Vlad returned to the intersection and went west, collecting loot from the shelves on the way:
Dispel Potion, Scroll of Unholy Word, Strong Fortify Magic potion, Strong Resist Disease potion, an unholy ring, and a wand of wild paralysis.
Then, he flipped the switch at the end of the hall.

NOTE!-Before continuing, head into the town and sell your loot as well as repair your gear and buy some resist magic/ heal/ restore mp potions!

In Phryn, Vlad bought 6 potions of ultimate magic resistance and 8 of full healing, as well as some silver gauntlets which he enchanted with +6% magic resistance and +1 hp.
He slept in the inn before teleporting back to the monastery one last time.

He went directly north and came to the great hall! He quickly swallowed a resist magic potion and charged around the left, being hit almost instantly by an exploding magic attack from a ghost! He charged
and began attacking "The Unnamed". He healed a couple if times but hit the thing hard enough that it fell back and allowed its buddies to attack Vlad. He took advantage of this and hid behind a pole, where only one followed him. He killed it, healed, and rejoined the duel. However, it dropped a Great Battle Axe that was MUCH better than things he'd seen so far! He lured the other minion to the door and killed it.

Now, the final battle was on! He faced down the boss and charged. He was hit by two magic attacks but when his new battle axe began to fall, he knew victory was his! After killing the thing and getting its sellable loot, Vlad went to the north of the room and flipped a switch. Then he went to a small chamber to the east and stepped over a deactivated spike trap, presumably from the last switch. Then he legged it to the west side of the room and found the book! He teleported out and returned the book to...

Ithulde, in Matras!

He sold any remaining loot and had his axe enchanted in Phryn with +10AC! Damn!

That, my friends, is how you conquer the Sunken Monastery.

End of Post

Current Stats:
Level 11- 50393/60000XP
Max Hp:125. Max Sp:150
AC:60 Damage:30-56
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby wolf3167 » Thu Nov 07, 2013 12:23 pm

And a note about the Sunken Monastery. For the sake of this guide I was a little weaker than I would normally be before entering. I just wanted to post a guide to it quickly because it is one of the more challenging dungeons in the Core Game. Post 9 will mark the end of Chapter 2 And will involve miscellaneous quests in Vastares.
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby wolf3167 » Sun Nov 10, 2013 5:08 pm

Quest Blog Post 9
Thank you for your continued support, readers! We are making good progress through the core game and I am pleased to make this important announcement: Vlad has become a very successful character!
Today we will play a minor quest line in Phryn and visit Mithria for the first time. Fun! This is the end of chapter 2.Without further ado, let's begin.

Vlad was happy. Very happy. He had been through a very hard dungeon and was alive. Now he was rearming himself with some of the best weaponry available. He bought an Ancient Belt and enchanted it with +6% magic resistance and +1hp.
He also bought a heavily enchant able robe from the tailor and sold his old traveling cloak. He enchanted the new item with 20% magic resistance.

Now he needed some work to test out his new gear. Walking through the village center he saw an advertisement on a wall. It read:
"Hear ye. Strong fighters with good guts, quick feet, and a cool head are needed to help train apprentice fighters. See Bojorner the One Eyed in the southwest part of Phryn."

Well, Vlad was quite a good fighter, and the extra money couldn't hurt, could it? Be headed to Bojorner's home and chatted with him. Vlad was given a map and told that the school was directly to the northwest of town.

On the way there, Vlad saw a massive tower- Skryven Keep. Quite a nice place. Perhaps he would check it out later.
He also came to a slave outpost and was pulled in a door by a woman named Mertaka, who claimed to be a Kingdom Agent, just like him. She gave him some money and supplies and saw him off.
Almost at the school, an impressive wooden structure with a moat, he was attacked by several shamans! He killed them and crossed the bridge to the school. He dodged a spike trap at the entrance. What kind of school was this?

He rested outside and then inquired with Sathanea, the headmistress.
She asked which type of student he would rather train: melee, magical, or ranged. He picked the archer. He was to defeat her in 1v1 combat. He walked over and knocked her down.
Now he left the pit and talked to Sathanea again. She would double his pay if he fought again, so he agreed and killed, er... maimed, another archer.
He earned 400 gold and a LOT of potions. Now Sathanea wanted him to rescue her friend, Lord Solamar, from behind the school. She also offered to give him... Some skill books.
He found Solamar in the marsh behind the school and found him injured, so he offered him a potion of full healing.
Gracious, the man gave Vlad his dirk and asked him to return it to Sathanea. She gave him her blade, which he sold admit was a light weapon and wasn't as good as what he had. He returned to Phryn and repaired his gear.

Now he went to the home of the mayor, asking about the town. He said that the man living in Skryven Keep had become a problem. Vlad went to the keep and talked to the man inside, who spoke to him excitedly.
"At least! You took 20 days to arrive!"
They began to chat and the man told Vlad that he was his contact on the island for the main mission. Somehow, Vlad believed him. He told Vlad that his first mission was to question 2 prisoners, in the basement. He also told Vlad that he had a servant waiting upstairs to feed him.

Upstairs, Vlad was treated to a good meal and some ale. Now he went to the basement and questioned Lorrenia, the Governor's wife, first.
She was unhelpful, so he left her and continued on to Lord Drengi of Mithria, deeper in the basement. The man swore he was innocent so Vlad let him go.
The Mysterious Man was furious!
Nevertheless, he calmed down and gave Vlad his second mission as a chance for redemption : Go to the Governor's Castle in Mithria and retrieve his necklace. Someone in the port could help him. So ended the beginning of Vlad's stay on Freymore.

-End of Chapter 2-
Level 11. 58333/60000XP
Max Hp:130. Max Mp:150
AC: 63 Damage:30-56
Magic Resistance: 73%
2698 Gold
Quests Completed: 10

Just look at Vlad's stats at the end of chapter 1 (Post 4) and compare them to now!
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby CEZben » Sat Nov 16, 2013 5:40 pm

verrry nice! Do you think you'll be able to complete the game with vlad?
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby wolf3167 » Sat Nov 16, 2013 7:57 pm

Of course! I also plan on playing through the expansions.
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby wolf3167 » Wed Nov 20, 2013 12:22 pm

Quest Blog Post 10

Thank you to all readers. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to ask! Today we head to the final city on Freymore and begin chapter 3.

Chapter 3- The Mysterious Man

Vlad needed to get to Mithria, so he began walking north along the west coast. Along the way he was attacked by several muggers, but he easily defeated them. He arrived at the Mithrian Military camp and headed in to town as night fell.

NOTE- The reason I hugged the west shore was because along the main road, enemies are EVERYWHERE, whereas along the west coast I fought two muggers in total.

Vlad headed west into the port district, behind the Governor's Castle. He stayed at the inn and gambled for a while, gaining enough gold to have 5 thousand. It didn't take long at all, actually, but the room was 96 gold pieces!
That behind him, Vlad walked out and looked to the left to see a suspicious looking man in the port beckoning to him. Hands on his axe, he walked over. The man said:
"Hear you're looking to get into the Castle. True?" Vlad nodded.
"Five-thousand gold please", the man said. Vlad was outraged but paid up- it was his job after all. The man took him on a canoe under the cover of night to an abandoned island and said good luck.

NOTE- There are multiple "Suspicious Looking Strangers" in the port. Be careful to go with the one closest to the inn!

Once dropped off, Vlad was immediately under attack by several skeletons. He destroyed them all and reached level 12!
+2Strength, +3 Dexterity (have to keep building my combat skills)
+4Hvy. Weapon, +2Hvy Armor, +2Block, +2Env. Magic

After that fight he picked up any loot he could find and continued exploring. He saw a ladder but couldn't go down. He wondered why but continued exploring. At the northeastern corner of the island he saw a shack and heard several people inside. He opened the door and one looked at him. The rest scuttled away. They were all undead.
"What do you want, living creature?", asked the... Thing. Vlad wanted passage into the city, so he told the undead, which introduced itself as Warirr. To enter, Vlad had to pay a price. 2 attribute points. He paid in Personality. Now he could enter the manhole.

Inside, Vlad fought several venomous bats, advancing carefully.
After coming to a small room, he cleared out some skeletons, which were in his way. At a crossroads, Vlad went north, south was a dead end. He founds some rope lying on the floor with a less... capable, adventurer. Continuing east, Vlad
walked through a spike trap and defeated another skeleton.
He went south, through a toxic area, and killed 2 bats and a skeleton, which was standing next to a fountain.
Finally, he came to a chasm with several hostile-looking bats on the other side. He attached a rope and swung across, killing the bat before it could poison him. Now he climbed a ladder and was in Hume's Castle!

He knew where to go and stole up the eastern staircase. At the top he headed to the big set of doors. The guards wouldn't let him in but he went and spoke to the guard captain across the hall. He agreed to let Vlad in, and the guards backed off. Inside the workroom, Vlad took the necklace of the governor and some wands to sell. He stepped outside and marked a spot in the town center before returning to the Mysterious Man.
The man asked about the governors condition, and Vlad said that as far as he knew, the Governor was sick. The man thanked him and gave him 700 gold pieces in exchange for the necklace. Then he gave him the next mission: kill the leader of the Mage council in Mithria. Vlad was given 500 gold to cover any expenses and left again.

End of Post 10
Level-12 XP- 64443
Max HP: 130 Max MP: 150
Melee Damage- 28-52
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby wolf3167 » Tue Nov 26, 2013 12:26 pm

Quest Blog Post 11
Thank you all! We will, between this and the next post, complete every part of the main mission up to the final battle, and then do side quests for a few posts before the last fight. Then we'll the up loose ends on Freymore and head to... Islands of Fire and Ice or whatever they are called, (also the name of a great poem by a great poet, Robert Frost, for anyone interested). Anyways, today we will do not one, but two missions! So without further ado, let's begin!

Vlad was pissed at the old bastard. He didn't have to take orders from that old man, but he would continue on for the king, he decided.
He teleported to Mithria, and realized that he kind of liked the city. It wouldn't be a bad place to settle down after all this was over. He stayed at an inn for the night, and the next morning set out for the Mage Council Hall to the east of town. Firstly he headed to the basement to check there, but only found a young witch in an office. She seemed friendly and wanted Vlad to test a new potion. She handed him a potion of permanent endurance and sent an evil eye to fight him. Vlad cut it down quite easily and she gave him some special throwing knives!

Now, Vlad, seeing that his quarry wasn't down here (and with this potion in his stomach, the real reason I went down there) went to the top floor. He checked all the doors but the Leader wasn't in any of them. Finally, on the top floor, Vlad found the enemy meditating in a small corner. He asked the old wizard about the sickness, but he denied it. When Vlad told the man to die, the enemy was ready and dodged his axe. A fierce duel broke out and Vlad's magic-resisting armor saved him more than once.

Just as Vlad was winning, the old man jumped back and snapped his fingers, disappearing, but dropping a potion. Vlad cautiously picked it up and teleported back to Skyrven Keep. He told the whole story and handed him the potion but the man looked understanding for once, and handed him 700 gold pieces.
The next mission was even more daunting: track down the thieves guild for their weapons. He gave Vlad some scrolls to help him break the locks and told him to intercept their transport along the south side of the Lake of Freymore. This would hopefully convince the guild of his skills and get them to accept him!
Vlad walked out and stayed at the Phryn Inn until nightfall and had his gear repaired- it was definitely needed!
Under the cover of night, Vlad went southwest from Phryn, skirting the shore of the lake. On the way west he came under attack by some barbarians and archers- he could easily kill them now, though!
Finally, in the place the locals called in a map: The Easter Shore, Vlad found the transport! He attacked the caravan of five instantly and cut them down. Now he picked up the goods and teleported to Vastares. He walked to the port-side inn on the east side of town and inquired with the innkeeper about some stolen goods. He told Vlad he could rent a room for 20 gold pieces and meet with the "clients". He stayed until midnight, when two suspicious-looking men tore into his room and grabbed him.
"You come with us!", one ordered , and Vlad didn't have much choice but to agree. They blinded him and walked him to a place still in town, because he could hear the paved streets under his feet . When they removed the blindfold, he found himself outside a room with thieves all gathered inside. He guessed he would either attack now or earn their trust.
After all, they'd probably end up dead anyways, so he attacked the leader after drinking a healing potion. After slaying the guild master he turned his attention to the half a dozen bodyguards swarming him. He healed as he fought but triumphed. The middle of the lair was cleared! He looted some gold and a key- might be useful!
He used the healing sphere on the right side of the room and went into the northern hallway. To the west he found a blue door marked- Members Only. He used the key to unlock it. There were several more like marked doors in the hall, and he opened them, looting everything. Finally he crossed a pit of spikes in the north of the room and used his scrolls of unlock and disarm on the red door there. There were powerful weapons there. He took everything and returned to the mysterious man for his reward... Absolutely nothing! And to top it all off, the old douche took ALL of Vlad's items! After giving Vlad some time to cool down, the man told Vlad his next mission. Go to the undead city and check on the Rasvim's there.

End of Post 11
Level-12 XP:74123/90000
Max Hp: 134 Max Mp:150
Melee Damage: 28-49
Posts: 553
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Location: Earth

Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby wolf3167 » Sun Dec 08, 2013 10:32 pm

Quest Blog Post 12
Sorry about the long delay, guys. I've been having some family problems and hope you understand. Hopefully, we can shift back into high gear! :)

Good news: only one more mission before the final battle! Then we can get into some real fun: Islands of Ice and Fire. This post, of course, will revolve around Vlad going to the city of the Undead, near Mithria. Then, we will get Mythril Armor, do the Island of Ghula, Empire of the Witch Queen, and a couple of other important quests before the final battle. And of course, thank you all for reading, and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Also , feel free to answer this NEW question!
Question: If you were stuck on one of the quests that I went over in this blog, would you be able to solve it from the information presented here?
Thanks for your involvement!

Don't you just love receiving no credits whatsoever for all the damn work you've just done to, you know, save the world from evil demons, wizards, and bandits? So did Vlad! Vlad was sick of being the Mysterious Man's servant. But once again he decided to play it cool and keep going. This last mission would put him with members of the undead race, but he was ready to get it the hell over with!
He went to Phryn's inn and rested for the night before teleporting to Mithria once again.
Before heading out he went to the jewelry store and sold his spare loot. Now he headed south, out of town and into the military camp.
He spoke to the head guard who agreed to let him in the city. When asked if he would permit the guards to use unnecessary force to keep the undead down, he said no.
Inside the hellhole Vlad walked to the home of Yuarr, the mayor of the city. He wanted Vlad to help the innkeeper get rotten food. Vlad went exploring and in the northwest of the town found a maul that seemed special, so he picked it up. Then he wandered for a few more minutes and came to a woman's house, just south of the inn. Her name was
Marusyma. She wanted Vlad to find her sister Eleta and speak to her.

Vlad wandered some more and came to a bridge in the southwestern part of the town. There were rocks blocking it, so he took his maul and used it to clear them.

NOTE- speaking to Marusyma is a must in order to clear the rocks.

Vlad now continued on his way across the bridge and came to a stockpile of contaminated good and water. He took it all to the innkeeper.

NOTE- we could have finished Marusyma's quest but we will save that one until we start focusing on side quests.

Now he returned to Yuarr, the Mayor , and was welcomed inside of the house. Vlad asked what Yuarr knew about the situation but was told that no undead had anything to do with it and that Vlad should look to those close to the governor. With that he teleported back to the Mysterious Man.
As always, the man was an ass and questioned Vlad, but eventually settled down. Vlad mentioned the Returning and the man was interested again. He told Vlad to go to the north-east island off of Freymore and investigate the situation.

End Of Post 12
Stats- same as last post
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby Prickett » Sun Dec 08, 2013 11:20 pm

Wolf, you've been very thorough. Although I'm on HOL1, if I was stuck on anything in the main game, I would have defiantly been able to get out of it with your posts.
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby wolf3167 » Mon Dec 09, 2013 12:38 am

Thanks. More on the way! Gonna pick up the pace a little bit and try to get to the Official Expansion before Christmas!
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby CEZben » Mon Dec 09, 2013 1:14 am

good to see mor blog posts! i have beaten the main game knowing about more quests now
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby wolf3167 » Mon Dec 09, 2013 1:19 am

Great! More quests will be thrown in as well before the "final battle".
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby wolf3167 » Mon Dec 16, 2013 4:00 am

Quest Blog Post 13
Thanks guys! Now begins the fourth chapter of Vlad's journey in Freymore. Chapter 4 will focus on side quests.

Chapter 4- Busybody Vlad

Vlad was angry at the Mysterious Man and had a hunch based on what the undead mayor had said that maybe his "ally" wasn't an ally at all. He knew that the Mysterious Man was powerful, though, and decided to prepare as best he could for whatever might be ahead.

Today, the Pyramid and Island of Ghula!...

NOTE: Before we begin: This is a challenging dungeon, and even experienced players may have trouble with the monsters and traps if they haven't gotten themselves as ready as possible. So, in order to prepare as best as possible, stock up on repair hammers, potions of healing (and mana, if needed), potions of cure (and possibly resist) Warrt and Plague. You cannot rest or teleport from the island but gain some jewels and a VERY useful magic item from this quest- a wand of ultimate restoration! Plus the experience is nice! Without further ado, let's begin!

Vlad was looking for quests that he could use to gain some money and supplies before the final assault, but first had his equipment repaired in Phryn. He threw out the Dark Maul. With that done, he realized that he was almost broke. He sold all of his extra magic items and skill books and was back up at 5.7k gold! Then he sold any unworn jewelry at the jeweler's place.

In Phryn he bought 2 master repair hammers and the following potions:
4 of strong resist magic
5 each of cure Warrt and Plague disease
7 each of full healing and full mana

Now Vlad wanted a mission. He walked around Phryn and at one door a man named Bojorner greeted him. When he mentioned a treasure map, Vlad acted as if he knew what the man was speaking of and was told that he could have the map for 1000 gold pieces. He accepted. The man said that it would be great if Vlad could bring something of his father's back to town. He also told Vlad to try the ship captains on the island for help.

With his armor fully repaired, Vlad
teleported to Mithria's port and spoke to captain Hanty. He agreed to drop Vlad off but not a await for his return. Vlad agreed.

Arriving, Vlad was washed ashore on a strange land. He wandered north and came to a bridge, where a specter began pelleting him with magic. He downed a resist magic potion and charged the spirit, taking it down slowly but surely. Now Vlad continued to the northeast and killed a couple more specters on the way.
He came to a pyramid with an entrance hole on the north side, and crawled through the hole to find a smelly room. A sign read:
"Home of the Keeper".
What a strange name. He wondered who lived there. Before long, he found out as a massive cyclops charged him! He swung at it and took it down with little trouble, surprisingly. He was getting strong. He took the thing's skull and a poison it dropped. He healed using magic and used the mana sphere in a corner to regenerate his magical powers. Now he left and went northwest to find a pressure plate, which he cautiously stepped on. He went southeast and came to a podium, which drew him. He felt possessed to place the red skull of the keeper on it and when he did, he felt a magical change in the place.
He also felt possessed to turn around and break the cracked wall of the pyramid to the west. It opened into a hole into the pyramid. He stepped in.
After grabbing several magical scrolls from side chambers he cut down a spider web and killed the mummy that attacked from behind it.

NOTE- I recommend saving before and after every fight in order to avoid diseases. The potions of cure Warrt and Plague are just in case. :)
Fortunately, Vlad has a good disease resistance so I didn't have to reload too many times.

Cutting through another cobweb in a side alcove showed him a well of healing, which he drank from and felt instantly better! He went up some stairs and found himself in a blue room. He killed another mummy and flipped a switch to the north side of the room, obscured by a cobweb. Seeing no other course of action, he headed back downstairs.

He found that one of the columns blocking the wall had moved and a mummy had advanced. After putting it down, Vlad cautiously moved I to the newly opened area. He grabbed a cap of resistance which he equipped for the time being, some wands, and some scrolls from a side alcove to his left and slid down a rope into a green room. He hit a button on the wall across from a teleporter and moved back up the rope and into the blue room again where a wall of force was gone. He stepped down the southern stairs and killed another mummy.

Reached level 13!
+2Heavy Weapons/Heavy Armor, +1Block, +1Persuade,+2EnvMagic,+2Acc

He grabbed some junk scrolls from a shelf and slid down another rope. Vlad flipped a switch on the southern wall and went back up to the blue room to find the last green force wall gone. He took a key from an alcove there and went back down the southern stairs to the green room and went down another flight of stairs. He used the key to open a door and killed the blue mummy behind it. He looted a steel bow but was poisoned! He healed it with his only potion of curing poison.

Stepping into the room ahead Vlad was surrounded by a pillar on one side and two teleports on the others. He took them in this order:
Loot shelf to south
Walk into eastern teleporter
Flip southern switch

Finding himself back at the entrance,he walked back up the stairs. He made his way back to the starting room and went down the southern rope. He stepped inside the teleporter and found himself in a large open room with several mummies which he killed. He then went straight across the room and flipped a switch. He teleported back to the previous room and saw that a wall had opened up . He went in the room and, careful to avoid the holes in the floor, slew two mummies. He went to the west through some rattling chains and flipped another switch before heading back into the teleporter to the big room. He went to the east and picked up two keys from a statue's hands. Then he went to the blue and red doors in the same huge room and opened them with the keys , taking two ancient idols- one of brass and the other gold. Back through the teleporter he placed the golden idol on a shelf in the room with the chains hanging from the ceiling and the hole in the floor. A pillar moved and he placed the brass one in a corresponding location on the opposite side of the room. He jumped into the teleport on the other side of the room and killed the last three mummies the pyramid offered. He took the huge doors on the west of the room and found the old man's grandfather's gear in an alcove with a wand of ultimate restoration next to a teleporter which he took after grabbing everything. He ended up in Matras of all places. He now teleported back to Phyrn and sold off all his new loot but keeping the wand of ultimate restoration. He made a total of eight-thousand coins! Now he returned to Gorjan and gave him the armor of his grandfather. He was given a chest in return and told to seek out a master thief to unlock it. He took it to Mithria and found the master thief, who agreed to open it for 500 gold. Vlad got 700 gold and some gems, which he sold in the city, bringing him to
14 thousand gold! Now he went to the city in and hit the sack for some badly needed rest.

End of Post 13
Level:13 XP:111623/130000
AC:66 Damage:32-59
Max HP:134 Max MP:170

We won't be finished by Christmas, sadly, but I would rather give you guys a lot of good content than a lot of mediocre content, even if it takes longer. :)

Comments or questions? Ask!
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby wolf3167 » Wed Dec 25, 2013 3:07 pm

Happy holidays everyone!
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby Bryan Miller » Thu Dec 26, 2013 5:33 am

wolf3167 wrote:Happy holidays everyone!

I like reading this! Keep up the good work! Merry Christmas!
Bryan Miller
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Location: Ohio

Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby wolf3167 » Fri Dec 27, 2013 4:24 am

More posts soon! Just having some family trouble on top of the holidays! Busy time.
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby Bryan Miller » Fri Dec 27, 2013 6:21 am

wolf3167 wrote:More posts soon! Just having some family trouble on top of the holidays! Busy time.

Looking forward to it! Sorry to hear that you're having family troubles. Hope it gets better!
Bryan Miller
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby CEZben » Sat Dec 28, 2013 3:29 am

sorry i havent been posting about your new blog posts but i... kindof forgot about the quest for a few weeks (maybe just 1) but im back now after finding it in my favorite games list and your new post about treasure island helped me out tremendously! i didnt know where you had to put the skull!
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Re: "The Quest Blog"

Postby wolf3167 » Sun Dec 29, 2013 2:04 am

Quest Blog Post 14
Thanks for reading and I hope this helps someone. Today we will be doing the quest "Mithril for the Blacksmith". I also have something else to discuss with you people at the end of the post, so read on! Enjoy!

Vlad, with his newfound wealth, walked into the armor shop of Mithria. However, he didn't see much good gear. He asked the blacksmith if he had anything better, and was told that the could have a Mithril mail in exchange for a supply of the metal and 10000 gold pieces! The ore was in Silver Peak, south of Phryn. He agreed and bought an ancient god shield.
Now he teleported to Phryn and went southeast to Silver Peak. Along the southern side of the mountain he killed a cyclops and a mistress witch. He looted a great war bow from the mistress and stepped through a hole in the southern side of the mountain and into a cave. He slew 4 venomous bats and came to an open chamber with a cave cyclops, which he killed. It dropped a Spellbook of Restoration! He now left the cave and walked south to the second mountain, where he entered a cave on the north side. He killed some more bats and went straight, seeing a sign:
"Watch out- Building Site".
He spoke to the mistress leader in the mine but she seemed angry. Finally she attacked him with her orcs! He cut them all down. He took the key to the treasury and used it to open the bone door to the south. He looted 3000 coins, a topaz, an amethyst, a golden amulet, and a sapphire ring. Not bad. He now descended into the shrine below and met an idiot Orc named Dughu. He killed the bastard and his buddies. Vlad counted five, Dughu included.

Now he followed the tunnel east and checked all the side passages he could, killing many orcs. On the second right turn he took a left onto a side passage and right into a little chamber with some Mithril! He teleported back to Mithria instantly. He now triumphantly returned to the smithy who promised him the armor in a day if he would wait. So Vlad went to the inn and rested a whole day, just relaxing. The armor still wasn't ready so he waited until the next morning. He sold his current armor and got the new heavy Mithril body piece. He also had his other gear repaired. Vlad was almost ready to go to the Northeast Island.

Level 13 XP:123503/130000
AC:69, Melee Damage:32-59
Max HP:134 Max MP:170

Alright people, here's the deal. The blog is going well but I've noticed something: the forums are almost dead, guys (and girls)! Some of us are posting often but most of the posts now are just misc questions on Zarista expansions. Nothing wrong with that but there are NO guides for anything but the main game/ Islands of Ice and Fire. We can do better than that. We are the community of this game and this forum has very little to offer players and very little to be gained from staying longer than enough to ask a single misc question and never log on again. I know writing guides is a lot of work but if a few of us work together we can cover most of the game's expansions quickly. If you have feelings about this, please post on my related topic under "General Discussion". Thanks everyone. Maybe I'm overreacting but this website often feels dead.

P.S- Hope you all had a great holiday season and have a Happy New Year!
As always, feel free to ask any questions pertaining to the blog. Thanks for reading!
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
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