Themrgamesensei's Guide to Cards

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Themrgamesensei's Guide to Cards

Postby themrgamesensei » Wed Jul 04, 2012 3:58 am


Playing cards is a risk-free, fast and easy way to make money in the Quest. In fact, it is impossible to lose money as long as you save before each game. Playing cards is fun, unlike picking hundreds of flowers in the wilderness, can be played at low levels so is safer than hunting monsters and can be played constantly. Here is the guide for becoming the a shrewd card player and millionaire (well almost) in the Quest.


Picking an inn:

In order to make card playing worthwhile, it is important to play at the inn with the largest ante (initial bet). The largest ante inn is the inn in Mithria (say that five times fast!). Try to get to Mithria a ASAP by using the Mithria Dash Guide. Also, do not play cards in the Matras inn. You can only make 50 coins a game which is not worth the time. Once in Mithria, that's where the cash starts rolling.


Always bet the maximum and SAVE BEFORE EACH GAME!!!

Picking a deck:

You can win using any deck, but the deck that provides the most coins per hour is the Necromancer. The Necromancer is able to deal massive damage (40+ in one turn) and an average of 4-6 every turn. I strongly advise playing as the Warrior, due to the maximum hit being around 20. The sorcerer is okay, but the games take longer using the sorcerer. Because the Necromancer is the best choice, this guide will only cover Necromancer strategy.


-The first card played should be a weak tanking minion like a Blood Golem or Ghoul. This is because the Innkeeper usually plays a damaging card first and the minion can take the hit.

-If you have no hp minions, use an inflicting damage card (cards that damage yourself as well). This is because hp do not really matter early game and you want to deal as much damage as possible in the beginning.

-If you see the Blackout Card (yellow star) or the fist card, only use them to KO or panic induce if you are extremely low on hp.

-If you see the Soul Pile Card (Silver circle with blue unholy symbol) only use it to KO.

-To KO, wait until the opponent reaches relatively low hp (< 20). Then combine the Soul Pile card with any high damaging card like the fist or Blackout. Also, make sure your KO kills them, don't let them have like 4 hp left because they can quickly come back.

-If you are low on hp, use defensive cards (Bonewall or Blood Moat) to soak up damage. Use Graveyard to slowly recover. Graveyard used with defensive cards can be extremely effective. Also use meat shields (Blood Golem or Ghoul) to soak up damage. Try to get as low hp as possible (< 15) before using the Pile of Hearts card (heal half damage combo). If worse comes to worse, attack when you are low on health. When the innkeeper gets < 20 hp, he goes into panic mode using hp potions and safes. This allows you to get some better cards or recover some hp.

Hope this guide helps! Please comment if you have any tips of your own.
Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Jul 04, 2012 2:49 am

Re: Themrgamesensei's Guide to Cards

Postby Zax-fa » Thu Jul 05, 2012 5:35 am

Great guide! 1 tip: get lost archipelagos (it's free!) and play the mayor, as he gibes you 10k if you win.
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Re: Themrgamesensei's Guide to Cards

Postby themrgamesensei » Thu Jul 05, 2012 2:57 pm

I meant to say I advise against playing as the Warrior.
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Joined: Wed Jul 04, 2012 2:49 am

Re: Themrgamesensei's Guide to Cards

Postby Scot » Thu Dec 06, 2012 10:20 pm

I am surprised. I found this game to be quite easy to win every time. In addition, the Warrior is my favorite deck to play.

I think I lost the game once, when after I got good at playing I got too cocky and wasn't paying as much attention. The card game however is well balanced, the decks work great, but I think a human can use strategy better than the computer can which will just play what _seems_ to be best at the time rather thqan holding onto card until the right time to play them.

Things to when playing warrior at least is to hold on to cards that can be _maximized_ when used at the right time. For instance, the Marksman it after putting some axe or sword attack bonus markers down, then play the Marksman card, then play a combo card such as the yellow 2x effects combo card (this card play counts as a turn, so you actually get to use all three attacks in 2 turns), and of coure use a damaging card if you can, or a potion if you need health.

Just think about what cards you have, what markers your opponent has, and pay attention to your HP. The goal is to bring the oppenents HP down to 0 as fast as you can get it there, and of course heal if your health starts getting low.

Use health potions to boost your HP while you are waiting for good combinations of cards to come up into your hand. Don't waste cards. If you have a double attack (8hp), then wait if you can for your double effects combo card...If your oppenent reaches 8-10 HP and you haven't gotten it yet, then setup some attack bonuses and knock him down.
Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Dec 05, 2012 2:11 pm

Re: Themrgamesensei's Guide to Cards

Postby Jamie990 » Sat Jan 05, 2013 7:46 pm

Nice guide, personal favourite has always been necromancer as getting to remove hp to increase yours is just such a powerful combination it rarely loses ;)
You have 20 save slots use them all. Save after every quest, save before going into a dungeon, save, save save!!
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